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How to Publish it?

When you have made all the changes you'd like, run this command in the vmbox-cwa folder:

npm run build

the result will be a folder named "build". change this name to "customerPanel" and upload it to your web server. if you open the WebApp from your web server the new project must be loaded.


Sometimes the new changes won't take effect without clearing the browser cache. since your customers don't know you have made some changes to clear their browser cache, you can edit the version number so the customers with an older version will get a prompt about installing the new version.

How to change the version number?#

In the assets folder in the Customer WebApp, there is a file named version.json. Edit this file and increase the patch number by one. The major and minor numbers are being changed by VmBox, so we recommend you change the patch number. you can also add an HTML description.

the next time user opens the WebApp a message will be shown to your customer like this: img