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Debian 8 and 10 server versions are provided as OVF files. Send a ticket to the technical unit to receive the file.

User Root access#

To execute commands or upload files, the software must have access to the root user. So the following password must be set on the root user:


If you use another password, click on the Edit icon in the Template Section in the software and set the new password.

Set the IP#

To set the IP on these types of templates, file contents software


Saves as follows:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# MAC: [MAC Address]
allow-hotplug [EtherName]
iface [EtherName] inet static
address [IP Address]
netmask [SubnetMask]
gateway [Gateway]
dns-nameservers [DNS 1] [DNS 2]

Then execute the following commands to restart the network card

service networking restart

Note that you must set the EtherName for the Debian 8.11 template to eth0 and the Debian10.6 template to ens192.

Set the password#

The following command is executed to set the password

echo -e "[New Password]\n[New Password]" | passwd root

Extend the disk space#

To increase the usable volume in the operating system after increasing the volume of the disk size, first two partitions related to disk are extended and after the operating system is restarted once, the following commands are executed

pvresize /dev/sda5
lvresize /dev/debian-vg/root /dev/sda5
resize2fs /dev/debian-vg/root

The partition of this type of operating system must be of LVM type and as follows:

Device Boot Size Id Type
/dev/sda1 * 243M 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 5.8G 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 5.8G 8e Linux LVM

The above commands are for extending the LVM partition as above and other partitions are not supported yet.